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It's's on your mind? (PO)

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 1:54 am
by Z is for Zangie
Sadly, another mass shooting, sigh, I wish we could find some common ground on what to do about these events to prevent more of them...Have a marvelous Monday at any rate.

Re: It's's on your mind? (PO)

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 3:44 pm
by Mike
On the first item, allowing folks unfettered access to guns/magazines/ammo clearly does NOT work to prevent gun violence. No more than the promise of a long stretch in prison prevents an assailant from staging an assault in full view of security cameras, or prevents cops on camera from choking someone to death.

Second item: blaming Biden is inaccurate, but certainly works for the team doing it in six months at the voting booth. So expect to see the GOP continue to blame Biden for supply chain issues that became emphatically clear long before trump left office.

Third: just today, McConnell said something about SCOTUS and preserving rights while not kowtowing to the majority as a validation of the Roe decision. He’s gotta know how staggering the irony is when you proclaim you are preserving rights as you issue a decision that will restrict the rights of roughly 30% of the population (women capable of conceiving).

And the Twitter deal might be faltering. Tesla has lost significant market capitalization in the past many days, largely as a result of this proposed deal. The ‘bot’ issue seems to be looming as an easy ‘out’ for Musk. This was obvious to begin with, as someone buying an asset in order to turn it loose from a free speech perspective should not be concerned at all about such bots… right? But like most money insatiables, he’s more concerned about the money than about any principle.

Re: It's's on your mind? (PO)

Posted: Mon May 16, 2022 4:16 pm
by Senor Natural
I am 'white'. I have lived in an all black, except for me, neighborhood while going to college. I have lived in Deep South Texas for 46 years. It is predominantly hispanic, Mexican-American, 92% for the whole region. I have lived in towns here that are 99% hispanic.
Even though we live on the border, there is no chaos, relatively no crime, lowest rates in Texas. It is peaceful.
Every once in awhile there is a domestic murder or a few druggies kill each other. It doesn't impact anyone outside the families of the victims and killers.
We are as peaceful as you can get.
I do not want to live in any predominantly white areas of this country anymore. There is too much racial bias and outright active racism in those areas. White racist leave their racist white enclaves and go into minority areas and inflict their racism upon them violently, all over tis country. The El Paso shooter , this nut in NY, Dylan Roofe, Kyle Rittenhouse are prime examples. Racist society juries often find these types of people innocent when brought to justice - Rittenhouse.
White people are killers - native Americans, any and all minorities, start world wars.
You can have 'white' societies. I'm glad my children and grandchildren have both Native American and hispanic mestizo blood and heritage in them.