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Monday Morning PO- Tell me a tale

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 2:09 am
by Z is for Zangie
Have a marvelous Monday!

Re: Monday Morning PO- Tell me a tale

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 4:48 am
by Tarmaque
I still have to laugh at these fraidy-cats. Even this weekend I've heard some dyed in the wool conservatives shouting "Talking about gun control is bad when there are whole cities in flames!" They're talking about Portland where during some protests a year ago some garbage cans were lit on fire and someone set fire to the police union hall six or seven miles from downtown in a suburb. There was minimal damage. In their minds the relatively peaceful protests in Portland were an "Antifa apocalypse" destroying half the city, when in fact they were confined to a couple blocks in downtown and most of the people in the area didn't even know they happened until later in the week. Literally nothing was "destroyed," not even the police union hall which had some broken windows and a scorched wall.

Re: Monday Morning PO- Tell me a tale

Posted: Mon Jun 13, 2022 1:47 pm
by Mike
Who got to Stepien? The former trump campaign manager suddenly pulled out of testifying at the Jan.6 hearings for “family reasons”.