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Well, no real bomb shell news today at

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 4:34 am
by Z is for Zangie
Have a super Saturday!

Re: Well, no real bomb shell news today at

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 7:21 pm
by Tarmaque
A number of media outlets have said basically the same joke: Cassidy Hutchinson has "manned up" and spoken openly under oath. The various people contradicting her, all men, are all refusing to come in and testify under oath. The joke being Hutchinson is more "manly" than her detractors.

It says a little bit about the maturity of these people.

Re: Well, no real bomb shell news today at

Posted: Sun Jul 03, 2022 2:21 am
by Tarmaque
Wow. It gets worst for Von Golfcart. Today there is word coming from the Secret Service that more or less corroborates 90% of what Hutchinson testified. I mean we can quibble about whether or not El Donaldo grabbed for the steering wheel or not, or if he assaulted Nate Engle, but basically all the agents in the Secret Service are saying that yeah: Trump had a meltdown in the car when they told him he couldn't go down to the Capitol. There's also corroboration that he's been known to throw things when he's angry, and that he knew that people at his "rally" were armed when he told them to go down to the Capitol.

Further, there's more and more evidence that Mark Meadows and/or people in his employ have engaged in threats against Hutchinson prior to her testimony. i.e. witness tampering.

I sure wouldn't want to be the laundry washing Trumpendejo's underwear these days.