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( Friday NO PO) National Plus Size Appreciation Day, Mad Hatter Day & Body Language Day

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2023 3:02 am
by Z is for Zangie
I am not everyone's cup of tea, but, I am for some, some even search it out. I had to post this one, as I do appreciate being appreciated by some men at least...though I still wish sometimes I didn't have this disadvantage. That said, some really cool guys have been very

Alice In Wonderland is one of my favorite stories and movies...I read it at a young age and it might have been ( if not, close, maybe Wizard of OZ would top it)the coolest thing, where I learned how much I like fantasy and colorful characters. And Magic. Chesire Cat was always my favorite and have a few collectibles of him, ( and a really cool plush...) plus, some of the other characters...I have an actual porcelain tea set of them all...and some other things...

Body language is very important in reading people and understanding them, I use it a lot and am pretty good at interpreting it... it is so much better than almost any other way of reading people. From the language, the eyes, and eye contact ( did you know that our pupils dilate when we want something...teehee...) and unconscious nervous tics etc, tell a lot about people and what matters to them and how they feel/think.

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