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Tyranny (a poem)

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 4:34 pm
by Cat's Paw
Tyranny is what human primates do.
They live in troops and have a king.
The king gets all the women and makes all the babies.

Other males have to leave The troop.
The only way to get back is to kill the king.
And they fear the king's babies will grow up to avenge him.

So the new King kills all the babies.

Human beings are of two minds.
Our human mind is enlightened and reasoning.
We also have a monkey brain though.

Are monkey brain is driven by chemicals.
We react to hormones and pheromones.
Evolution has caused us to love and hate passionately, reactively, and violently.

All humans have experienced nothing but governance by tribe, by religion, or by a king.
The enlightened idea of governance by the governed is only 250 years old.
The age of an enlightened human governance begin with our Declaration of Independence.

May I have an amen.

Re: Tyranny (a poem)

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 9:51 pm
by Slip Shod
"Human beings are of two minds.
Our human mind is enlightened and reasoning.
We also have a monkey brain though

I don't have a monkey brain myself. Perhaps I'm just more fortunate than some.. my lineage are all just regular folks
Here's a poem for you Catman*

I got this itch
and it's a bitch
And a rash all over my ass
Damn dog on the couch
and a cat in the bed
Shoot me